Edit 08-Nov-2017:
As per Oracle's instructions - https://linux.oracle.com/switch/centos/ adding the GPG key is no longer needed, the bad news is - the procedure documented by Oracle throws a "Broken pipe" error, and the OS left in an unusable state (all Yum configuration disappears):
How to fix (basically just nohup the script).
Start with the CentOS 6 (x86_64) - with Updates HVM on the AWS Marketplace (provided by CentOS.org). After logging in (as the centos user) run the following commands as root:
If you feel the need to roll your own Oracle Linux install on Amazon EC2 (since Oracle no longer provides an officially-supported AMI, and you may not be too keen on using one of the community AMI's):
As per Oracle's instructions - https://linux.oracle.com/switch/centos/ adding the GPG key is no longer needed, the bad news is - the procedure documented by Oracle throws a "Broken pipe" error, and the OS left in an unusable state (all Yum configuration disappears):
How to fix (basically just nohup the script).
Start with the CentOS 6 (x86_64) - with Updates HVM on the AWS Marketplace (provided by CentOS.org). After logging in (as the centos user) run the following commands as root:
1 | curl -O https://linux.oracle.com/switch/centos2ol.sh |
The script does some package updating that cuts the SSH connection to the EC2 instance, and when the connection gets cut, the script dies in the middle with a "Broken pipe" and leaves the OS in an unusable state. By using nohup we avoid the broken pipe issue.
After the conversion script completes, run the following:
Step 4 will no longer be required, and you can proceed to install the Oracle software prerequisites.
Old Information Below:After the conversion script completes, run the following:
1 | yum distro-sync |
Step 4 will no longer be required, and you can proceed to install the Oracle software prerequisites.
If you feel the need to roll your own Oracle Linux install on Amazon EC2 (since Oracle no longer provides an officially-supported AMI, and you may not be too keen on using one of the community AMI's):
(1) launch an EC2 image using the CentOS 6.5 AMI from the Marketplace (which is free..) then log in as root (not ec2-user)
(2) import the Oracle GPG key
1 | cd /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/ |
(3) use the Oracle specific rules to convert the CentOS 6 to OL from this document. Specifically, run the following commands as root:
1 | curl -O https://linux.oracle.com/switch/centos2ol.sh |
(4) Synchronize the yum repository
1 | yum -y upgrade |
Once the command completes, the end-user should have a fully-patched Oracle Linux 6.7.
If you intend to install Oracle Database 11gR2, you can apply all the necessary packages and kernel parameters with this command:
and if you will install Oracle Database 12c R1, use the following:
If you intend to install Oracle Database 11gR2, you can apply all the necessary packages and kernel parameters with this command:
1 | yum install oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall -y |
and if you will install Oracle Database 12c R1, use the following:
1 | yum install oracle-rdbms-server-12cR1-preinstall -y |